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1994-1995 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
Western European Regional
Practice Session
Problem D
As you may know, in most languages, texts are written from left to right. However,
exceptions exist, in which case people read from right to left (e.g. Hebrew).
Having heard about this phenomenon, and always willing to make a few bucks, John
believes that he can aid the translation business by making a preprocessor for translation
from left-to-right languages to right-to-left languages. The way John sees it, if we would
reverse the normal text line by line, half of the work has been done.
Unfortunately, John never got around actually writing the program, since he got involved
in an even more promising project involving Unicorns.
Maybe you can write this program for him.
Input Specification
The first line of input is an integer N specifying the number of test cases. Each test case
consists of a single line, where each line is no longer than 80 characters. The newline is not
considered to be part of the line itself.
Output Specification
For each test case, print on a single line the characters of the input line in reverse order.
Example Input
Frankly, I don't think we'll make much
money out of this scheme.
madam I'm adam
Example Output
hcum ekam ll'ew kniht t'nod I ,ylknarF
.emehcs siht fo tuo yenom
mada m'I madam
This page maintained by
Ed Karrels.
Last updated November 11, 1997