Death Ride 2002

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Breakfast before the ride
Posters from previous Death Rides, signed by all the 5-passers
People were lined up in the dark at 5am to get into this ride at the last minute. Crazy.
And... we're off! Chad and I left right at daybreak at around 5:30.
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These few photos are a bit blurry because it was so early, and the sun wasn't up very high yet.
The climb up Monitor was pretty gentle, and the temperature was wonderful. Of course, when the temperature at 6am is nice you know it's going to be a scorcher later.
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Bikers as far as the eye can see...
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This was the dip near the top of Monitor Pass.
One pass down, four to go...
Nine miles of descending. Yea baby!
The first turnaround point, at the intersection of 89 & 395. The last time I was here, the pass was closed by a snowstorm and I had to drive all the way up to Carson City to get through the mountains.
Patricia and Ramona, looking strong.
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I met up with Chad again at the top of Monitor. Then began the long slog up Ebbetts. At least the rocks were pretty.
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I think people forget that the Death Ride traverses some of the most beautiful roads in the world. Don't forget to stop and smell the fresh mountain air.